Friday, 4 May 2018

Sound Design in TV

Sound Design involves the creation of sound and sound-tracks for various different needs. This includes the creation, sourcing and use of sound effects. This can be done digitally with uses of various programs and equipment such as musical instruments to create the desire effect and sound. This can also be done physically such as performing actions in oder to recreate certain sounds (a practice known as 'Foley'). Sound design can also involve the editing of already existing audio in oder to be used for a particular need.

A common use of sound design is for the creation of atmosphere. This is especially important for any type of medium, be it Television,  Film or Audio in which atmosphere is key for creating that piece of media's identity among other similar media.

Television in particular requires the use of sound design to create atmosphere. This can be used to either help create a surrounding that appears realistic, using sounds that are natural that a certain setting, or in oder to evoke emotions. This often requires emphasis on certain aspects of the sound which tells the audience how they should be feeling about certain events or a certain location.

However, sound design can also be applied to music. Pre-existing music can be used in order to emphasis the atmosphere or a show's overall themes. However, the creation of music for that particular medium itself can have an overall great effect on the emotional weight or atmosphere, often serving to help further emphasise what is being shown on screen. This is why many creators of these mediums often look towards music composers to create music that would best serve their storytelling.

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