Wednesday, 20 March 2019

First Sound Edit Update- Cereal Offenders

After being given some individual scenes from the rough cut, I was finally able to start editing the audio into the project. The first thing I noticed was that I had only been given half the scenes due to a mix up when transferring the projects onto a hard drive. We also had to change the settings on Premiere Pro, the editing software, so save the project on an older version of the software as the computers in the TV Studios are out of date and the projects would not open otherwise.

I found that the footage still lagged but I was able to still match up the actor's mouth movements with the Tascam audio, even if it was more tedious than it would have been. The process of matching the Tascam audio involved temporarily taking the footage out of the edit, finding the part where Will, our director, used the clapperboard and then synced the clap of the clapperboard in the audio with the footage on screen. I'd then restore the footage back into the edit along with the now matched audio. The labelling of the footage and audio carried out by Aimee and I paid off as the audio and footage were made easier to match.

I was able to successfully to sync all of the audio to the footage I was given, with the end result producing much clearer audio than the camera's in-built microphone that was previously in its place. The only real problem I had here was some minor problems with the edit itself such as some jumps in the footage or breaks in continuity that sometimes meant characters saying the same thing twice but I was able to partly overcome these. I also understand the edit is still in a rough state so I didn't see it as too much of a problem at this point.

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