Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Year 3 - Presentation 1 - Brief

Research is key.
Research needs to be done, whatever the project
-Subject matter

Workflow & Time Management
-Your final year is all about you being an independent learner.
-You will have tutorial support throughout.
-You will have peer support throughout.
-How you spend the majority of the rest of your time will be set by you, and YOU only.
-Draw up a time-table. (ical, google, pen and paper!) – you MUST plan your time effectively.
-Equal time on Dissertation and Pre-Production.
-Both Dissertation and Pre-Production require you to work at an advanced level – last minute
cramming doesn’t work on these units.

The Goal:
-Time will go very quickly.
-What do you want from your final year?
-A degree?
-A good classification in your degree

Term 1:
Dissertations & Pre-production

Dissertations (30 Credits)
-Using your Dissertation Proposal as your starting point.
-8,000 words
-3 tutorials prior to draft hand-in
-Draft Hand-in: Nov 27th
-1 Draft feedback tutorial
-Final submission: Jan 25th 2019

Year 3 Creative Project(s):
-As well as choosing your dissertation subject – the rest of the 3rd year is all about YOU selecting the CREATIVE skillset YOU want to pursue.
-The 3rd year is geared towards you focusing your skills and interests.
-Though there will be some requirement to multi-task, ultimately you will be collaborating and specialising on one skillset (Writing, or producing, or directing, or camera, or editing, or….) and in one main output (Drama, or doc, or news, or entertainment etc etc)
-What do YOU want to do now AND in the FUTURE????

Pre-Production (30 Credits)
-Individual or small group based
-Two distinct choices
-Largely sef directed
-Tutorial and seminar support throughout.
-Submission of project: Dec 11th

-The aim of this unit is to produce a detailed Pre-Production “package” for an original production.
-There are two distinct choices as to how you fulfil this brief:
-Concept Pre-Production Package
-Major Project Pre-production Package

Professional High Concept Pre-Production choice:
-Large scale idea that is aimed at competing with what is on television
-A 'package' that communicates your idea to a potential broadcast commissioner- but you will not be actually making the production
-Hypothetical and allowing you to think big and not be constricted by a student sized budget.
-The concept can be anything you want it to be. Drama series, documentary, current affairs, entertainment etc etc.
The package can be made of a variety of elements- Pitch, script, casting, production design.

Major production project- Pre Production:
-Unlike the Professional Pre-production option, this choice is about developing a pre-production plan/package for a project, which you will then take into production in your Major Project unit after Christmas.
-The same applies in that you will need to produce a VERY detailed plan for the production, including all the required production elements (Pitch, script, budget, schedule, casting, locations, trailer, etc).
-The difference is – you will actually take this plan into production* as your major project.
-This MIGHT seem an easier choice – BUT it is NOT. As we will expect this to be a very, VERY, VERY detailed plan!!

-Depending on your interests and focus – this choice will tend to be collaborative* by nature.
-So therefore you will be collaborating with a small group – who will form the production team.
-Max Length 20mins
-Multi-skilling maybe an option, but you need to discuss with me.

-Multi-skilled Filmmaker approach - IMPORTANT
-Anyone wishing to take on a Major project as multi-skilled filmmaker (ie writer/director/editor) – will NOT be allowed to without a producer on board, or they MUST demonstrate that their project is achievable by a single filmmaker in the form it will take. (IE a project that has minimal locations, production design aspects etc)

Screenplay Major Project Option:
-If your interest is in screenwriting – you have an opportunity through the Major Project Pre-production choice and Major Project unit to write a long form piece of work (A series or feature length script).
-In the pre-production unit you will develop a detailed plan for the project, including treatment, synopsis, research etc.
-In the major project unit – you would then write the screenplay (through various drafts).

External Collaboration:
-Both the Pre-Production and Major project units are open to external collaboration (ie People who are not currently studying on this course) in the following areas ONLY:
-All of the above are not “taught” on the course, hence why it is encouraged.
-ALL other roles and jobs MUST be be filled by your fellow classmates or students in year 1 or 2, or recent graduates.

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