My overall thoughts on the Studio Production part of this cause is mostly positive. I found many aspects of this section was a success yet I do feel that some aspects of my own role in particular could have had more involvement thus have a greater impact on the production as a whole.
Firstly, the live show itself was a major success. After watching a rough edit of the final show, I found that the production ran smoothly and everyone involved performed their roles to the best of their abilities. The overall emotional weight behind the show was very positive and everyone, myself included, appeared very satisfied with the production after it had finished. I cannot fault the production itself at all.
I feel that I was lao able to perform my own roles to great effect as well. The majority of the work I was involved in was separate from the actual live show itself. Instead I was involved in the creation of Promotional Material and Behind The Scenes footage, serving as Camera Assistant and Sound Operator for both.
During Promotions, my work as Assistant Camera was most effective. I had helped the Camera Operator to set up multiple shots and even advice on where the camera should be placed to gain the most effective shots and framing that we can. This shows in the final Promotional material where each shot and camera movement looks professional.
Working as sound operator seem superfluous, however, as we rarely even recorded any natural sound, as decided by the producers and director. This meant that I was just monitoring the sound levels on the camera's monitor rather than listening on the headphones. Even when we did record any natural sound, it was not used during the edit and does not feature in the final promotional material. However, for what I was able to do to contribute, I feel that I did it to the best of my ability.
On the other hand, my skills as sound operator were better utilised during the recording of the Behind The Scenes. As most of the recorded footage was unplanned, this meant that the recording process was a lot more scattered. Therefore we had set up the equipment very quickly and adapt the settings for both the camera and sound for multiple different shots. I had to change the settings for sound with every different shot, meaning that my skills were tested a lot more. It was a balancing act of trying to keep natural background noise, but then allowing whoever is being interviewed to be heard clearly without distortion. Despite this, however, I feel that I was very successful i this and the sound quality during the edited Behind The Scenes is very good and professional.
My last job, which was also successful, was creating and sourcing music for parts of the studio production. I had good feedback from the producers and directors on the music I had created and was easily able to work on what they thought should be changed. Unfortunately, the music I was living up to my own scrutiny and I eventually decided that I should source other music to edit. This gained positive feedback and thus I successfully delivered high quality pieces of music that were eventually used during the actual live show production.
Overall strengths:
- Working as a team.
- Assisting the Camera Operator.
- Delivering high quality sound on shoots.
- Acting as adviser during shoots.
- Creating, sourcing and editing high quality music for the live production.
- Not having all of my strengths properly utilised all of the time.
- Certain mistakes were made on behalf of the Camera Operator and I, meaning that we had to reshoot on of the Promotions.
Overall however, I do feel that the final culmination of the Promotional Work, Behind The Scenes, Music and the final 'As Live' Studio Production was a great success. Everyone had a professional attitude and all roles were performed to the highest standard.